Friday, November 14, 2008

101 Things to do in 1001 Days

Ok, I've been working on this thing for ages now but I haven't managed to come up with a complete list yet, so I'm just going to publish this and add more later.... the other parts just won't have as much time

1. Get in to an art school

2. Graduate from art school

3. See an Andy Warhol exhibit again :)

4. Visit the maritime provinces

5. Sew a pretty dress

6. Become a vegetarian a

7. Get a bold haircut

8. See an opera

9. Watch The Godfather trilogy

10. Watch or read A Clockwork Orange

11. Get a tattoo

12. Ride a roller coaster that looks really scary

13. Go to a rock concert

14. Graffiti something

15. Go to NYC

16. Go camping with friends

17. Develop a habit of exercising daily a

18. Read It

19. Wear really strange false eyelashes in public for no apparent reason

20. Move out of my parent's house

21. Make a cool video to put on YouTube

22. Travel outside of Canada and the US

23. Read Breaking Dawn (my computer is being retarted, so CHECK!)

24. Kiss someone with a lip ring

25. Aquire another silver ring

26. Go clubbing

27. Have a birthday party

28. Take up yoga

29. Get an industrial

30. Dye my hair a strange color

31. Paint a masterpeice of sorts

32. Cook Mexican food

33. Take pictures of the city, fire escapes, alleys, that sort of thing

34. Lose 10 lbs

35. Try being a vegan for a week at least

36. Buy a CD from a band I've never heard of

37. Read Misery

38. Clean out my closet

39. Clean out my desk

40. Get a job

41. Sew a tartan corset

42. Sew a hoodie

43. Learn to use photo shop

44. Make a vegan smoothie

45. Make bread :)

46. Drive a very long distance

47. Go to Montreal

48. Go to Toronto

49. Take a train somewhere

50. Improve my grades

51. Write a short story

52. Read Lord of the Flies

53. Go to Rocky Horror for Halloween

54. Go to a real party

55. Watch a silent film

56. Graduate high school

57. Come up with 101 things for this list...

58. Save up $2000

59. Make someone's day

60. Learn to style my hair

61. Pass english class!!!!!!!!!!!!!

62. Read Dracula

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"57. Come up with 101 things for this list..." Ahahaa, it took me a while too, I'm still revising mine!! lol Good luck, Doll!