Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ugh am I the only one who hates certain words? I'm compiling a list of words that make everyone sound like a douche when spoken:

1. Bunnyhug. It's a hoodie, dumbass

2. Dart. First of all, smoking is retarted. Second of all, you sound retarted when you refer to your smoke as a dart.

3. Gay, when usen as an insult. What's wrong with being gay? I also despise people saying things like "This homework is gay". It sucks, but it's not homosexual or happy!

I'll have more later, I'm suffering a bit of mental block....
Not that anyone actually wants to read this hahaha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It wasn't my idea, I forgot to link So go ahead and check that out! :)